
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy (belated) Valentine's Day

Ok - I know it's only the second month of the New Year and I am already not keeping up with my New Year's resolution of blogging at the very least once a week. However, because some weeks I blog more than once a week I am technically still on par :) What do you think?! - It has been a little hectic here. Ron was out-of-town for a whole week so it sometimes was even hard to hear myself think...alright, alright I stop it's the world's smallest violin. I am not writing to complain! Why on earth would I do that?! No, Valentine's Day is the topic...Yay - hearts, pink and purple a girl's dream come true :) The three girls at our house (that includes me) love it...we cut out hearts and decorated the windows. One word l-o-v-e-l-y...and yes, there was chocolate for everyone. Dark chocolate bars with cherry and almond. Yummy!!! In any case, it was great but I really wanted to write about Mia Rose and what happened at her school.

Mia Rose goes to school two full-days a week. Her school has a cook and the foods are always safe for her to eat. In preparation for Valentine's Day Tea on Friday the kids made cookies in school last Thursday. The cookies however contained butter. So what were we to do? a) not let her touch the dough, or b) let her touch the dough but make sure that she would not eat anything and clean her hands immediately. What do you think we did? Well, she made the cookies and the teacher was close by the entire time. She had such a fantastic time. Truth be said, it made me just a wee bit anxietal but she had so much fun. How could we have excluded her from that fun activity? Mia Rose knew exactly that she could not eat the cookies. That to me is amazing.

Valentine's Day Tea was on Friday and the teacher's asked me to bring along cookies that Mia Rose could eat. So early in the day, her and I baked heart-shaped sugar cookies and brought them along to the Tea. One of the activities scheduled was for each child to frost a cookie. Immediately I thought, well Mia Rosie won't be able to frost her cookie but you know what the director of the school went out to search for milk free pink frosting. I was so excited...well, OK the ingredient list certainly did not contain items we usually eat but it was so much fun.

In retrospect I am very proud of ourselves for allowing Mia Rose to work with the "evil" cookie dough and also just so proud of our little girl for resisting the temptation to try. I hope you all had a fantastic Valentine's Day!!!