
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Not all is fun and games...the dredded draw

First the fun stuff - we had a great 4th. The flag cake turned out fantastic and everybody loved it. OK - we are still loving it b/c there is a little left...

The girls are due for a blood draw. I talked with my oldest about it a couple of weeks ago. "NO, NO, NO I do NOT want to go!!! It hurts! I don't like them hurting me. NO!!!!" This makes me feel so bad. She then asked why they had to get their blood drawn, and I explained that because of Galactosemia we need to make sure her levels are OK. Here is her response "NO!!! I do NOT want to Galatosemia!" Truth be said, I really was on the verge of tears. It makes me feel so bad, and in some bizarre way I feel so guilty of giving my precious little daughters a faulty gene. It is quite powerful and at that moment it overshadowed my general positive outlook. Don't get me wrong, it does not change my positive outlook but it just drove home the point that there are just additional things that need to be done in order to manage CG. - You may think "oh that's not a big deal", but to me its a huge deal. Like any parent I do not want my girls to have any pain whatsoever. I certainly will turn into the lioness doing everything to protect her cub. Yikes, I am getting off on a rant here...I know the draws are necessary, just procrastinated them a little. In any case the plan now is to go next week Wednesday. My oldest is in camp in the a.m., but she will just go a little late that day. Probably is better if she has an activity right after the draw anyways. Oh, and Alena (my oldest) already said...Mia (my little one) has to go first...