
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Update...she is fine :)

Just a quick update on Alena. We went for our follow-up visit with our pediatrician yesterday and she did not think that Alena had a seizure. Fact is that she never stiffened up and was floppy the entire time. Our pediatrician - and please know that we think the world of her; she had a gut feeling that something was not right when we brought in Alena at 5 days of age and we credit her much with saving Alena's life - thinks that it may have been brought on by Alena being super tired, a little dehydrated but she wants to talk it through with a pediatric neurologist. Alena did seize as an infant when she was a week old in the hospital, right after that she was transferred to the mind keeps on going back there now and it really is not a place I want to go right now. In any case, our pediatrician will talk it through with the pediatric neurologist and based upon her recommendation (neurologist) Alena may have an EEG. Oh, and yes she (our pediatrician) will also keep the metabolic team in the loop.

OK - I have to get back to happy thoughts...