
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Update on the Pizza Party at Mia's School... may remember my post from last week about the party at Mia Rose's school. In the end it worked out fine. We started the day with our German playgroup at Sellwood Park, and at 11 drove to Pizzicato to order the pizza for the girls. But you know what? They do not open until 11:30, but a delivery person just walked into the restaurant to drop something off, so I decided to just try and see whether they would make a pizza for the girls. The three of us went in, and I plead my case by telling the nice gentleman that the girls were going to a pizza party, that they love pizza, but that they cannot have pizza with cheese. And you know what?! - I am sure you are already guessing this one right, he said "yes" and I ordered one kids pizza with peperoni without cheese for take-out. It just shows that you just have to ask and plead your case. The Sellwood store really went above and beyond. They could have easily said no, but now I have them dear to my heart (a little too "cheesy"?! no pun intended...) Anyway, if you feel like pizza and you are in Sellwood (or just in PDX) go and give Pizzicato a try. Really yummy pizza, and CG safe too ;)))

Now back to the party. We arrived with our pizza in hand and everybody had a ton of fun. Everybody was eating together. The girls ate their pizza, and the other kids had the cheese pizza. It was so nice to see everybody at the table eating together. The only thing I did not think about was that there might be cookies. Well, there were and of course had milk products in them. The girls were not the least bit bothered...but I am sure you are guessing that it bothered me. And yes, it did...