
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Appointments, appointments, appointments

..March and it looks like it will be a crazy month full packed with medical appointements. We started it out yesterday with Mia Rosie's 4 year old check-up coupled with immunizations for both girls. Next week it off to the Ophthalmologist for the routine exam. Neither girls really remember Dr. Aaby so, as our last appointment was two years ago. I am not worried, but thinking about it still makes me a little nervous...wonder why, maybe because deep down inside I am just a wee bit worried, or maybe because - do I really want to admit to this? - I just feel like a bad parent for not taking the girls on an annual basis to see the Ophthalmologist. Then again, we have checked with the Metabolic Clinic and it is clear that they only recommend the visit every couple of years...Aaaahhh, I just need to stop feeling so guilt ridden.

The month will go on with developmental appointments for both girls. Speech, and Occupational Therapist for Alena; Occupational Therapist for Mia Rosie...the final will be the meeting with the Developmental Physician which - as things look now - probably won't be until April. Oh, and then eventually it's time for another draw as well as Metabolic appointment...

Of course, the glass is always half-full - never the other way b/c then I would just get bad wrinkles ;) - never-the-less I still feel a bit uneasy, worried, have a pit in my stomach because it reminds me a little too much for comfort of our little metabolic gig we got going on...

Thank you for reading me whine :) - Have a great weekend.