
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sometimes I worry...

No worries, I am not changing my mantra with "the glass is always half full" but sometimes I do worry. I just have it in me. I am a worrier - yes and sometimes also a warrior :) - and always, always find something to worry about. House, car, family, friends, and yes also about the girlie's. Currently I am not at the top of my game - so this is also my disclaimer for this post :). In any case, the one thing I worry about is premature ovarian failure. Really it is a small thing, but never-the-less it's there. The physicians at OHSU tested FSH levels for both girls and it seems to be within range. They also participate in a research study where other levels are tested and that is another story. So I worry, and worry but in the end there is nothing that can be done about it at this time. Only time will tell and hopefully all we be a-OK. We got years ahead of us...which is good but until then I will keep worrying about it even so I cannot change anything. But I will give it my best effort to keep the worrying about this in the future just to my little old self ;)

Remember the glass is always, always half-full. When life throws you lemons make lemonade ;)