
Monday, June 14, 2010

Fun on a grey Monday afternoon

Oh, what a beautiful and sunny weekend we had.  The sun has finally arrived, the rain is gone but today...well, another story.  OK - I must be grateful for that there is no rain but the sky is grey covering up the sun.  Today was Alena's second to last day of Kindergarten :( and we needed some fun activity for the afternoon.  Swimming...the three of us love swimming and my first thought was to go to one Public Indoor Pools.  Well, you know what?! Not one of the Portland Pools was having open swim this afternoon leaving me with only one solution.  You know where we went? Yes? Do you?  Well, we went to the proven place at the McMenamin's Kennedy School in Northeast Portland.  Oh yes, there is nothing like an hour soaking in a lovely warm soaking pool.  All of us having fun. ->

We topped the afternoon off with a nutritious treat of a basket of Tater Tots along with Honey Mustard Dressing (when you go beware to special order that as it usually comes with Ranch). Ahhhhh....nice all that swimming made our afternoon so much better :)  Mia Rosie actually slept for a couple of hours while Alena is enjoying some time on the computer with "Die Maus.  Here is the link to Die Maus :)