
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday -- and our dinner...

...finally a picture of Vesper our almost daily dinner here in Germany. Cold cuts, bread, varies and more often than not there are also veggies involved. The girlies love it :)
How did we spend our day today? Well, let me tell you. Mia Rose was in the woods again, and Alena was in school until 3:45. Today Alena's class cooked lunch together today. The kids along with their teachers made vegetable soup from scratch, and fruit salad for dessert. Each child had to bring a knife, bowls, spoons, and an apron. I spoke with the teacher yesterday to make sure that they would not be using any milk products, or products containing milk sugar. And guess what?! Alena had already spoken with the teacher to make sure that she would be able to eat the food as well. That really makes this Mama proud :)
Ok - it's time for the girlies to go to bed now...