
Tuesday, October 11, 2011


...I write this on Wednesday morning.  Both girls are slowly waking up, and I have a cup of coffee next to me.  Sadly it's the last of the Peet's we brought along...oh well.  Breakfast for the girls is waiting for them.  Delicious crusty bread - milk free - with margarine - Becel - and raspberry jam made by my Mom.  Oh,  yes and Mia Rose also has honey on her slice of bread...School starts very early today so...

Yesterday was beautiful.  I worked through the early afternoon while the girls were at school/Kindergarten.  They both had lunch at my Mom's and then we, not swimming but to the playground.  I met one of my longtime friends while the girls played. One of Alena's classmates was also at the playground - advantage to being in a small town :) - so everybody had a great time.  Back at the apartment we had Vesper - cold cuts - for dinner, study time, followed by an somewhat early bed time..
Alena at the bottom of the huge slide

OK - we are about ready to leave.  Mia Rose is going to the woods the rest of the week with her Kindergarten class.  It is called Waldtage.  The kids hike into the woods to a cabin, eat a snack, play games, and hike back to Kindergarten.  So fun for them...Happy day to all!