
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ice "cream" cake...

for Mia Rosie's Birthday party. Another first for me. Mia Rose had her mind set to have ice cream cake for her party. I honestly do not know where this idea came from. Actually I do not remember ever having ice cream cake. But I am always up to give something new a try. I searched and combined a couple of different recipies to make the Sorbet - Ice "Cream" cake. Mia Rose wanted strawberry, but Trader Joe's only had raspberry sorbet. So raspberry - vanilla it was...It turned out great!!! What have wie been missing all these years...

Raspberry Sorbet - Ice "cream" Cake

- yellow cake mix, or biscuit from scratch
- 2 half pints of Sorbet (app. 500 ml each)
- 1 pint of Vanilla Soy, Rice, Almond, Hemp, or Coconut ice "cream" (app. 1 l)
- Frozen raspberries, or other berries, fruit of choice

1. Take one 1/2 pint of Sorbet
2. Bake the cake in a round springform cake pan. Let it cool throughly
2. Soften 1/2 pint of sorbet and smooth it over cooles cake. Cover with aluminium foil and put in
3. When the first layer is frozen and firm, soften half of the ice "cream". Smooth it over the
sorbet. Cover with foil and put back in the freezer
4. When ice "cream" is firm repeat step 2, and 3
5. After putting on the last layer and it is still soft, decorate the cake with frozen raspberries.
Cover, and freeze.

All of it took a little over 24 hrs - so you have to be prepared, but it is so worth it!!! It was a great hit and surely will become a family favorite...