
Monday, February 13, 2012


I know, I know it's a little late to talk about Sunday on a Monday night. What am I thinking?!  But I just have to share our exciting day...well, truthfully it was a super chill day.  We hung out, relaxed at home and then we went to Pok Pok for a late lunch/dinner, followed by dessert at Pix, and afterwards playground time for our lovely girlies :)

Pok Pok is the place to go if you love Thai food.  It is amazing. The girls love the sticky rice, and both love the Khao Soi.  Mia Rose is a huge fan of the chicken wings - she devoured three of them, while Alena loves the ribs - Sii Khrong Muu Yaang .  It truly is the best Thai food around, oh and it goes really well with a cocktail :)  Just saying "King and I" is amazing.  Here is the link if you are in the neighborhood, or in Portland.  It's yummy and safe :)

Alena really wanted dessert so we walked over to Pix afterwards.  They were unfortunately out of the Coconut-Chocolate Chip Sorbet, and all the other ice creams were just that.  Ice cream and not galactosemia safe.  Good thing that they also have fruit pate..I actually think Mia Rosie prefers the fruit pate over ice "cream" any day!!!

Last stop of the day was at the playground, before we headed home to start on our Valentine's :)

Alena on the monkey bar's

Mia Rosie on the monkey bars