
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pancakes on a late school day

Once a month our school starts two hours late. In a way it is a much appreciated little break in the middle of the week. On those days I like to cook breakfast for the ladies. So today, I decided to make my tried and true old pancake recipe. You know, the recipe I used to make before realizing that Bisquick is a actually Galactosemia safe. So I made the dough, took Out the griddle and started to pour the dough onto it. Oooops, you need the small the dough is too runny, more like a Crêpe. That was #fail number one, then I took out the pan but omitted the oil. Arghhh, I am sure you can imagine what happened. Stuck to the bottom of the pan #fail number two.

Long story short, I made a new batch with Bisquick but truth be said, the other ones tasted better.
For fun we had Kiwi eyes,a banana nose, organge smile, Earth Balance ears, and Maple Syrup hair. Happy girls, after all :)