
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fun, fun, fun and school

Fun, fun, fun
So, I know it is summer break already in Portland, but there is still another few weeks of school left in Germany.  Therefore, both girls are in school while I work.  Alena is in second grade at the same elementary school I went to :), while Mia Rose is in Kindergarten.  School is only for half the day, so we still have plenty of time to play...In the short time since we arrived we have already been to the pool at TuWass a couple of times, been to an amusement park - click on "virtueller Rundgang" to see pictures, enjoyed Pommes Frites (French Fries), Wurst, and spent lots of time playing outdoors.

All is possible :) - We figured out safe bread, Wurst and thank's to a fairly new EU Regulation all allergens are now declared. Yay...below a couple more pictures of the girls with my Mom

Alena and Omi

Mia Rose and Omi feeding deer