
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Appointment at Metabolic Clinic, levels, and calcium...

Is it not unbelievable how fast time flies? Do you remember when we went up to the hill - that is OHSU - for the blood draw last month?  It seems just like yesterday, but in between we were in Germany for five weeks, and bad me did not check on the results.  Well, that was until this Tuesday when we had our annual appointment at the metabolic clinic at OHSU.  We are so, so excited that the levels - with hummus for breakfast by request of our wonderful dietician - were excellent.  Yay!!!

Our dietician calculated the calcium intake of each girl with this site -> I learned a few new things as I had no idea that molasses, bananas and oranges are high in calcium.  Did you know that?  In any case, based on the calculation both girls get enough calcium through their diet.  Cheese, dark leafy green vegetables, beans, and bananas are a big factor. Mia Rosie has been refusing to drink fortified OJ, or any type of fortified soy/hemp/almond milk so our dietician had a heart-to-heart talk with her.  She explained to both girls the importance of calcium, and why the body needs it.  Mia Rosie promised that would drink at least one glass of a calcium fortified beverage a day...Yay!

The rest of the appointment was smooth sailing, so do have to admit that we - and me - were still quite jet-lagged so it is kind of a little blur....