
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Kale Leak Tart & Classroom parties....

It really is my hopeful goal to post every single day....ahm, but yes or jaaaa as I like to see we all know that is not really happening.  It certainly is happening in my head, but there is this once piece missing - you know getting it out of my head onto paper  a post.  So yes,  I have the most delicious Pasta with Broccoli just waiting to get out of my head oh, yes my thoughts about what happened to time plus not to forget year end classroom parties and Kale Leak Tart.

So today it is - tadahhhh - okay I know, I know this is being so lame, you already now Kale Leak Tart and Classroom parties.  First let me talk about the Classroom parties and then food. Sound good?!

As the end of the school year approaches there are parties in the classroom and of course I want our children to be included in the parties. Right?! That would be just plain mean to have them sit at the sidelines and not participate because of my uncalled fear about dairy exposure. Would it not?! So today, Alena's class is playing kickball followed by a huge ice cream party.  Yes, you read that right ice cream as in real ice cream for all kids.  The teacher asked me about if it was okay if she brought ice cream instead of popsicles for the other kids and of course it is.  There is no harm to Alena when other kids eat ice cream, but of course we wanted to make sure that Alena has the treat that she wants.  So yesterday after school we went to the store, and Alena picked out her treat for today.  And you know what she picked?  Tofutti - chocolate / chocolate - sandwiches...everyone is happy :)

Mia Rosies' class is going to have a popcorn party. Now, do you know that I have not been able to find one brand of microwave popcorn that does not contain dairy?  Yup, that is right and we therefore - plus we do not have a microwave - always air pop.  In any case, Mia Rosie will also have pop-corn and at the store yesterday she picked out a big bag of it as well as juice boxes for everyone.

So, yes classroom parties will be celebrated by all and the best party?  Well, of course our kids will not be excluded but zero - yes zero - anxiety for the mothership :)

Okay, I will get off my soapbox now and tell you about last night's dinner.  Kale Leak Tart - if you have been here before you know that Leak Tart makes a frequent appearance at our dinner table.  I have added bits of bacon before, or bits of ham, but never ever ever before Kale.  I had half a bunch of fresh delicious, red Kale left and added it to the mix.  The result....oh yes, absolutely fantastic.  Take a look at our taste testers....

The recipe for the Leak Tart is here, the only changes are as follows

Kale Leak Tart
  • Follow recipe for the Leak Tart - you can make it vegan by using Daiya mozzarella shreds and an egg replacer}
  • Add 1 teaspoon of Herbs de Provence to the flour when making the dough 
  • Add 1/2 bunch - about six stems or more - of red Kale to the leaks, once they are soft.  They will need to turn nice and dark in color.  FYI - I use all parts of the Kale and first add the stem, then the rest of the finely chopped leaves.
  • Add 2 cups of shredded Emmenthaler