
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The results of the blood-draw are back...

...and they are fantastic! I always quite nervous when it is time for the draw. Not just because it reminds me that the girlies have a disorder, and reminds me of that time when Alena was so sick - no, also because I worry that the levels could be off. I know, that does not sound like my usual self, but there always is this underlying worry that something may not be OK. Therefore, getting fantastic results to me is worth a small celebrations. I am so excited...and yes, in case you were wondering, leading up to the draw both girls continued to indulge in Emmenthaler cheese, Parmesiano Regiano, tomato, lentils, etc. It proves to me that the European approach of the diet works for our girls and for us as a family. This is such great news...oh, and here is a picture of both ladies on their celebratory after school bike ride today :)