Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mia Rosie's last day at Childswork

See my smiling baby? She is all grown up. Where did the school year go? This picture shows Ma Rose with her beloved teachers Coutney and Patty. It is so bitter-sweet that Mia Rose's preschool time is almost over and that our time at Childswork has come to an end.

Wow - we started at Childswork when Alena was not quite 4. I remember how full of worry I was. Full of what if's and questioning whether our child would be excluded, feel wired, ingest milk, etc. It proved to be a fantastic learning experience for all of us. I learned to trust. And yes, teachers are careful, caring, and find options to include eveyone. For treats Popsicles instead of ice cream were served at events, for PJ Day there was either a special batter - in Alena's class - just for her, or - even better - pancake batter that was safe for all kids in the class. And yes, there was an "accident" - after the first six weeks Alena did eat some regular yoghurt. The teacher called me she was frantic - but you what? It was Ok, Alena did not show any effect. She did not eat a lot, but stii - I was worried but it was OK. So these are the lessons I learned at Preschool for myself, and my mothering :) To relax a little, trust others, and most of all empower my children.

It is sad - however it is great to move on to the next big part of this journey :) -Mia Rosie only spent one year at Childswork but what great experience she had :) The best preschool teachers anyone could wish for; imaginative play, art, flat Mia Rose and more :) You just wait until you see the fantastic pillow she made.

Have a great day :)


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