Monday, January 9, 2012

Schnitzel, garlic mashed potatoes, and baby green salad

ahhh, the quintessential German dish. Schnitzel :) Not Wiener Schnitzel - that is veal - but "panierte Schweineschnitzel" (breaded pork cutlets), It was an easy decision as we still had some pork cutlets in the freezer, and since everybody loves Schnitzel it was an easy decision. We also had potatoes, and salad - yay! For breading I always keep Panko breadcrumb in the house as it is - always read label - without whey, or milk. The potatoes I cooked in the pressure cooker along with a couple of garlic cloves. Mashed it all up, added some Earth Balance, dried parsley, salt, and a little bit of the water from cooking the potatoes. Let's just say it was a dinner success at our little house in Portland tonight. No leftovers :)


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