Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Galactopdx Store...

yes, I added a store to my little Blog.  I added the store as a page->
You may wonder, why I added it.  The first and to me the most important reason is, that there are many products that we use in our everyday life that are - for us - Galactosemia safe.  When Alena was first diagnosed, I was wondering what will our little baby girl be eating when she gets older?  Will I be able to buy anything read to eat in the store, are there treats we can get in a store?  I think that I am probably not the only mother wondering about these things, so that is why I put this little storefront together.  I also realize, that in Portland we are very lucky and find a lot of these items.  So this is another reason why I put this storefront together.  There are many other products we use, but those are some of the basic items.  Items that are not available through Amazon include Whole Soy Yoghurt, Tofutti cream cheese, and sour cream, ice "cream" treats from Tofutti, So Delicious, Tempt, etc.

And yes,  there is a small percentage that I get from a sale from this storefront. Thank you! I sincerely hope, that you find this storefront useful.  Please note however, that these are the products WE USE. I do not claim that these are appropriate foods for anyone else with Classic Galactosemia. Always check with your dietician, metabolic clinic, and use your own judgment.  When you receive the products always double check the label.


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