Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tangerine Sherbet - fun activity and delicious

I like to read the New York Times online and last Sunday I saw this link to "Tangerine Sherbet". The recipe intrigued me plus we had a few tangerines that did not taste so yummy anymore left. I took a look at the video and thought that this could be a fun activity to do with the girls. In any case, last week we squeezed out the tangerines, heated the juice up with some sugar, cooled it, poured it through a strainer, added some plain Silk creamer...the next day we had tangerine sherbet for dessert. It was great.

Here is the link to the original recipe from the New York Times, if you have some time be sure to watch the is really, really easy and fund at the same time

This is my adapted version

- 2-1/4 lb. tangerine
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup plain Silk creamer

NOTE: I did omit the gelatin. I also do not have an ice cream maker so I followed the second set
of instructions from the Tiny Kitchen Video post.

It turned out great and we ate it out of the frozen tangerine halves...

Let me know if you try this one out. I think this can be adapted to be used with a ton of different fruit...


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